Quote by LuxWorld: “You Discover — We Pay”

Lux World
4 min readSep 15, 2022


By joining travel with LuxWorld, we not only have more experience with tourist destinations but also can earn more passive income from that trip. So isn’t that too tempting?

You Discover — We Pay

With Travelers

The more locations you visit, the more tokens and gifts you can earn.

LGO will be paid out for Travelers after every check-in, which is dependent on the main factors:

  1. Type of Luggage: Base LGO returns and Minting Speed range differs for each Luggage. Refer to the Luggage Attributes section for the individual breakdown of each Luggage type
  2. Luggage’s Space Attribute: The higher the Space attribute point, the more LGO earned per check-in. Travel users can earn only LGO from Level 1 to Level 19. At Level 20, travel users can choose to stay earning LGO or freely transfer to LUX/BNB
  3. Luggage’s Durability: Durability of Luggage will decrease after every check-in (depends on the Renovation attribute of luggage), and it directly affects the LGO earning of travel use
  4. Luggage’s Minting Speed: Minting Speed is based on Luggage’s Type and Flexibility attribute point. The higher the Flexibility attribute point, the higher Minting Speed, equivalent to the shorter required time being at a node.
  5. Check-in Node Energy: The energy of the Check-in Node will decrease after every check-in (depending on the Resilience attribute of the Check-in Node), and it affects directly to the LGO earning of both Traveler users and Check-in Node owner.
  6. Sharing photos/reviews: By sharing a photo or review, Travelers will earn more LGO for each check-in (coming soon).
  • Once the number of check-ins is depleted, Travelers stop earning tokens.
  • Check-in cap: Travelers start with 4 check-in/day/Luggage. Users can purchase more or higher quality luggage or diversify the type of luggage they own to increase the check-in cap.
How Does It Work for Travellers?

With Check-in Node Owners

LuxWorld allows anyone in need to purchase check-in nodes NFTs. The more Travellers visit and check in at your location, the more tokens and gifts Owners can earn. By investing in the right deal, Check-in Node Owners can profit greatly.

LGO will also be paid out for Check-in Node owners after every travel users check-in, which is dependent on the main factors:

  1. Check-in Node’s Popularity Attribute: Check-in Node owners have the opportunity to receive more LGO tokens if Check-in Nodes that have more popularity. At Level 20, travel users can choose to stay earning LGO or freely transfer to LUX/BNB.
  2. Check-in Node’s Coverage attribute: The higher coverage is, the wider the check-in area is, and the higher the check-in cap
  3. Sharing photo/views: If the Check-in Node gets more pictures of check-in, Check-in Node owners will earn more LGO and have the opportunity to expand this coordinate (coming soon).
  4. Check-in Node’s Magic Attribute: Check-in Node Owners have a higher opportunity to receive a Lucky box if Check-in Nodes have a higher Magic attribute point (coming soon).
  • Once the daily check-in cap of the Node is Zero, travel users can not check in at the Node, and Node Owners stop earning tokens.
  • Check-in cap: Check-in Node Owners start with 30 check-in/day/Node. Owners can purchase Diamond or level up to increase the Coverage attribute of the Check-in Node to increase the check-in cap. Each Owner can also own unlimited Check-in Nodes per account.
How Does It Work for Check-In Node Owners?

If outdoor traveling to check-in is impossible, users can maintain a healthy lifestyle with LuxWorld by switching to Free Destination Mode.

In Free Destination, on a daily basis, Travellers are equipped with NFT Luggage to earn 1 LGO by moving over 3,000 steps (equivalent to 2.4km).

So long as the user holds Luggage in the app, Free Destination Mode will count the steps directly from their mobile device’s Health Data app. These earnings are not affected by Space attribute or other bonuses and will not add towards the daily LGO Cap.

For the latest updates, follow our official channels via these links below:

⭐️Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.lux.world/

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⭐️Telegram Channel: https://t.me/+lYQGsu0Jij82ZjRl

⭐️Telegram Group: https://t.me/+C8YzgYCy13hmOThl

⭐️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luxworld.official



Lux World
Lux World

Written by Lux World

LuxWorld Web3 Travel-Social App: “You Discover - We Pay”

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